It's not that I don't have lots of TBR books in my shelves and on my PC. I do, but every once in a while I hit a slump. Nothing "NEW" catches my eye and I long for the comfort of an old read. This month so many things have happened in my life that I need that comfort, the knowledge that what I'm reading is stellar and is filled with Characters I know and love.
So with that in mind I have decided to dedicate time and effort into revisiting on of my all time favorite series. J D Robb's In Death series has always been a go to re-read for me. Each book is a story of it's on, almost like a CSI or Law & Order series in novel form. Aside from the obvious kickassness that is Lt. Eve Dallas and her sexy as sin hubby Roarke, the secondary characters in the series rock as well.
The trustworthy and dependable Delia Peabody, the Quirky and uber smart Ian McNab, the totally mag Mavis Freestone and her teddybear of a hubby Leonardo, to Caustic and relaible Summerset. Who can forget Eve's first partner Ryan Feeney and the always put together Dr. Charlotte Mira, the two people who are the closest Eve Dallas has to parents. I could easily go on and on.
So for me February is cold and dreary and the BEST TIME to visit with old friends. What's your favorite comfort read? The one book or books you just can't live without?